Donations are urgently needed so we may continue our mission. If you would like to make a donation, please click donation button or send check or money order to: Active Hope, P.O. Box 171, Fairmont, WV 26555.

Active Hope's mission is to bring hope and healing to coma patients and their families. We are dedicated to the specific task of getting a patient out of their coma as quickly as possible so that they will have the best chance at a full recovery. That is our goal. Although all of their senses are diminished while a patient is in a coma state, in most cases the least of these senses affected is the sense of hearing. By taking full advantage of this fact, using headphones we maximize our efforts gaining the patients full attention, programming them to receive instructional therapy from our Audio Coma Therapy CD. That is why the headphones connection is so very important. Active Hope Research and Development continues to develop scientific principles and techniques, working in conjunction with Active Hope Ministries which develops faith healing applications that further enhance our therapy. With the advent of the compact disk player this Audio Coma Therapy CD can be brought into the patient room without any mess or fuss and. This therapy can be administered by family members, friends and medical professionals. You, the family member or friend, become the Audio Coma Therapist. By placing the compact disk player on continuous play mode for extended periods of time you can maximize the possibility for recovery. Your CD is absolutely free!

We at Active Hope are hoping that eventually our Audio Coma Therapy CDs will be handed out at hospitals and nursing homes. Like an aspirin or band aid. But that takes dedication, advertising, website development and funds which we do not currently have available. Until then, we will do whatever we can to help with this greatly ignored horrific situation facing coma patients and their families. We will not be discouraged. We understand the mission that God has appointed us to do. You are not alone. We will be here for you. We are your Active Hope.

The object of the Audio Coma Therapy instruction is to:

  • Inform the patient of their situation. They need to know that they are in a coma, they are in a hospital room and that there is someone there to help them through it.
  • Various faith healing techniques, including prayer, are used to inspire them and to give them strength.
  • Scientific principles using creative stereophonic effects, various sounds, surprises and oddities are specifically designed to catch the patient's attention.
  • It is recommended that the Audio Coma Therapy CD run for up to 4 hours, twice daily. This because studies are inconclusive regarding variations in sleep cycles in coma victims. This should optimize the patient's ability to hear the CD during an awake cycle. Although 4 hours are recommended, any amount of time will help.
  • This CD should not only help the coma victim, but also gives their family and friends the satisfaction of taking part in their recovery.
  • Do not be discouraged if the coma patient does not come out of a coma during the time that the CD is being used. The effect on the patient is to program them, implanting a subliminal message in their brain for healing to awaken them from their coma.

Note: As with any medical treatment, there are no guarantees. However, this Audio Coma Therapy will most likely expedite recovery in most cases. We see little hope for brain dead or brain damaged patients, but will provide the Audio Coma Therapy CD upon request regardless. If you would like to make a donation to our cause and be a part of what we do, please click donation button or send check or money order to: Active Hope, P.O. Box 171, Fairmont, WV 26555.